Traditional Cups and Ball Game on the iPhone!


We are giving Cup and Balls away for free for the rest of March!

2 Games in One:

1. Walnuts and Marble (Human Mode): Manual mix up the Walnuts your self and see if your friends can pick the right one

2. Coffee Beans (Computer Mode): Computer mixes up the Cups you need to guess which cup the coffee beans are under

Each Game Has Two Modes-

Real - Normal game play

Magic mode- Show your friends that you are magic since you can always choose the right cup. How? First cup never has marble/beans but the second cup always does!

Different Backgrounds:

-Choose which canvas you would like to play on; has multiple backgrounds to play the games on.

Choose Between Walnuts or Acorns:

Walnut game lets you choose if you want to use Acorns instead.